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9th and 10th Doctor's Companions inspired by "Doctor Who"
The Doctors inspired by "Doctor Who"
The 11th and 12th Doctor's Companions inspired by "Doctor Who"
Adoribull Crossed Weapons inspired by The Dragon Age Series
Solas' Jawbone Necklace inspired by The Dragon Age Series
Iron Bull's Dragon Tooth Necklace
Doctor Who Villains inspired by "Doctor Who"
Torchwood Three inspired by "Torchwood"
The Paternoster Gang inspired by "Doctor Who"
T.A.R.D.I.S keys inspired by "Doctor Who"
The Seal of Rassilon inspired by "Doctor Who"
The Sonic Screwdriver inspired by "Doctor Who"
"Team Free Will" inspired by Supernatural
Jack's Bow Tie Necklace inspired by Nightmare Before Christmas
Axis Mochi inspired by "Axis Powers Hetalia"